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Recent contributions in the media from Simon and his team

Adolescent Issues

  • Channel 9 Today Show – Troubled Teens
  • Channel 9 Today Show – Exam Stress
  • Channel 7 Sunrise show – Kids Growing up Too Fast
  • ABC Radio 774 – Children Taking Risks Helps Their Development
  • Cleo magazine – Me, Myself and I
  • The Age Interview: How Might the Royal Commission Affect Survivors of Child Abuse?
  • The Age Opinion – Learning to Take Risks is an Essential part of Growing Up
  • The Age – ‘Risk Illiteracy’ Among the Young and Reckless
  • The Age – The Brat Factor (The effect of ‘fame culture’ on youth)
  • The Age Opinion – Kids Party, Parents Get a Hang Over
  • The Age – Beyond the Binge
  • The Age Opinion – Don’t Force Kids to Grow up Early
  • Sydney Morning Herald – Cyber Intimidation and the Art of Bullying
  • The Conversation – Self Harm: What is it, and why do people do it?


  • Channel 7 The Morning Show – Sad Dads: Postnatal Depression in Fathers
  • ABC Unleashed (Opinion) – Parenting in a Celebrity Mad World
  • Melbourne Mothers Matter – Monsters in the Closet (parent’s role in dealing with anxiety)
  • Wonder Time magazine June 2009 (by Emma Lund) – How to Nurture Bickering Siblings
  • The Herald Sun – Ageless Love
  • ABC Radio National – Abandoned Baby Sparks Debate
  • The Herald Sun – And Baby Makes Three
  • Good Health Magazine – Are We Over-Parenting Our Children?


  • The Herald Sun – The Good Wife Stands Firm
  • Teacher Advice
  • Victorian Institute of Teaching: Professional Practice journal – The Many Faces of Trauma
  • Teacher Magazine – samples of ‘Dr Simon Says…’ column
  • Psychological First Response
  • ABC Radio – Psychological First Response for Teenagers interview
  • Adventure Psychology and Wilderness Adventure Therapy
  • ABC Radio National – The Age of Adventure [radio streaming / download]
  • ABC-TV The 7.30 Report – Adventure Therapy
  • The Age – Rapid Growth for Troubled Teens
  • InPsych (Bulletin of the Australian Psychological Society) – Taking a Risk for Adolescents
  • The Age – Looking for trouble

Simon’s views on…

  • Reigning in binge drinking: The Age Opinion Kids Party, Parents Get a Hang Over  (03/08)
  • Parenting in a celebrity mad world:  ABC The Drum – Unleashed  (11/09)
  • How to teach risk-taking: The Age  ‘Risk Illiteracy’ Among the Young and Reckless (07/09)
  • Importance of risk & challenges for youth: spress  Risky Solo Sail Raises Concern (11/09)
  • The need to teach kids to take risks: The Age Opinion   Learning to Take Risks is an Essential part of Growing Up (5/10)
  • Confident children: Good Health magazine  Are We Over-Parenting Our Children? (7/10)
  • New Year’s resolutions – The Conversation The New Year – A good time for change? (1/12)

See more contributions from Simon in the media… (click here)

Others’ viewpoints

Contemporary Issues for children and adolescents

  • Getting Real: Challenging the Sexualisation of Girls – Aust. book by Melinda Reist (Ed.)
  • Patricia & Don Edgar – social researchers on the changing landscape of childhood
  • Problems of electronic technology on healthy development – The Advertiser newspaper
  • How vital outdoor education is to healthy development – Sydney Morning Herald
  • Children & Nature Network – research and advocacy for children connecting with nature
  • Sports culture brings out the worst in people – The Age Opinion – Chris Middendorp
  • Parenting is the key to avoid ‘Affluenza’ in children – The Age
  • Free Range Kids and the importance of balanced parenting – YouTube video clip
  • Outdoor play linked to psychological health in children – Sydney Morning Herald
  • Over-medicalisation of childbirth – The West Australian newspaper
  • The Lost Adventures of Childhood (compelling documentary trailer) – Beyond Productions
  • Medical pressure is the cause of high cesarean birth rate – The Conversation
  • Religion for Atheists – The Conversation
  • The vital importance of maternal physical contact in infancy – Elizabeth Antunovic
  • Manipulating the evidence for medication effectiveness: A case study – The Conversation
  • Tavi Gevinson on being a teenage feminist – TED talk
  • The real importance of, and best approach to breast-feeding – The Conversation
  • The much under-appreciated value of learning through nature – George Monbiot

Valuable ideas and viewpoints

  • Kurt Hahn  –  founder of Outward Bound
  • InPsych Bulletin –  article on parents’ influence on adolescent drinking
  • Prof. Martin Seligman  – research leader in Positive Psychology
  • Quackwatch  –  guide to quackery and health fraud
  • Psychology in the Public Interest – Australian Psychological Society
  • Social transmission of “happiness” – article form the British Medical Journal
  • Factors that ensure happiness lie in our life choices – The Australian newspaper
  • Contact with nature improves psychological health – M. Townsend – Beyond Blue to Green
  • Many myths of Psychiatry: Why Antidepressant don’t work – New York Review of Books
  • Why digital interactions are no substitute for in-person contact – The Conversation
  • The need to humanise birth in Australia – Birth International
  • The ‘War on Drugs’ that we never had to have – The Conversation
  • We’re all indoctrinated – so be aware of how! – The Conversation

Recommended talks from TED (Technology Entertainment & Design) conferences

  • Delayed gratification in children – a secret to success in later life
  • Link between creativity and play
  • What adults can learn from kids, and the importance of “reciprocal learning”
  • How to start a ‘Movement’ – a lesson on leadership and group behaviour
  • The dangers of denying ‘Science’ in everyday life
  • How emotions and behaviour are transmitted by social networks
  • Viktor Frankl describes the critical importance of the search for meaning
  • The importance of re-thinking how children are educated
  • The central importance of creativity in children’s development and education
  • The lost art of democratic (and moral) debate
  • Behavioural Economics and simple, inexpensive solutions to big problems
  • Reasons to teach kids to be entrepreneurs
  • Cognitive Surplus: how the internet can contribute to civic values
  • The importance of choices we make over the talents we’re born with
  • Beyond Social Networking: “Gaming” as the new paradigm
  • The gift of near tragedy
  • How to succeed? Get more sleep!
  • How do we do the right thing? – Use practical wisdom
  • Belonging, connection, love and attachment: The power of vulnerability
  • How our ‘sense of self’ changes with information communication technology
  • How savoring everyday pleasures leads to an “awesome” life
  • Why adult risk-taking goes terribly wrong
  • Reality-check: take your enemy to lunch and ask 3 questions
  • How to really obtain a work-life balance
  • Don’t wait to be a hero – start today
  • Important lessons on leadership (and parenting?!) from a military general
  • Overcoming apathy to social change
  • How we mis-perceive everyday risks and feelings of security
  • What really matters in life when it’s about to end
  • How kids can solve the world’s problems
  • Why boys and males are in decline – Dr Philip Zimbardo
  • Jane Fonda on ‘Life’s Third Act’ (older age)
  • Valuable lessons for atheists from religion
  • Reasons to feel optimistic about the future of our world
  • Religion for Atheists
  • The power of introverts
  • Perspective is everything
  • The power of optimism

Neo Psychology & Dr Simon Crisp

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