Neo has a long record of consulting to a wide range of professionals:
Teachers, psychologists, mental health professionals, executives and managers, administrators and government policy makers. We bring many years of expertise in the public and private sector, in large and small organisations, in work-place teams as well as in management and leadership positions.
We facilitate group development with at-risk school students and clinical populations, executive teams and individual managers, through to family and community groups. Our approach is one that recognises the reciprocal importance of individual as well as systemic analysis and organisational development.
Examples of how we’ve helped professionals:
- Teachers have found us helpful in developing skills to deal more effectively with challenging students,
- School Principals have been assisted to better understand the systemic and leadership factors impacting on school morale and challenging staff dynamics,
- Mental health professionals have learned to be more creative and to take risks in their therapeutic work with clients,
- Managers have been guided in developing more effective services and implementing structural and staffing changes,
- Administrators have been coached on policy development and innovation at an organisational level, and
- Policy makers have become better informed about effective methods and approaches to engage students in education, have an impact on community substance abuse issues, and more effectively reduce suicide risk in young people.
We have been pioneers in developing innovative and effective approaches such as the Psychological First Response® training for human services professionals. Please contact us to make an appointment to meet with one of our consultants, or to discuss your particular needs.